Know The Answer?
What happened when Jesus died?
An earthquake.

Matthew 27:51-52

WHY Germans Long for a Leader
Plain Truth Magazine
September 1965
Volume: Vol XXX, No.9
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WHY Germans Long for a Leader

A Queen's visit - new elections in September - troubles with DeGaulle over a United Europe. Germans ask: "Which way now?" London, England. France's President Charles de Gaulle has thrown a bombshell into German politics! No United Europe unless France dominates it! And France, of course, is De Gaulle! What De Gaulle Fears. Above all, De Gaulle fears a Union of Europe dominated by a re-armed Germany. De Gaulle perceives his final mission in life is to establish France as the leader of a New Europe. To achieve that end he first sought to tie Germany to France in a dose alliance. While aging Adenauer was German Chancellor, De Gaulle's plan worked well. Then German politics changed. Ludwig Erhard became Chancellor. The Germans talked back.

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember 1965Vol XXX, No.9