Know The Answer?
Whose prophets did Elijah make fun of?

I Kings 18:26-27

Will the U.S. LOSE the Panama Canal?
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1965
Volume: Vol XXX, No.11
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Will the U.S. LOSE the Panama Canal?

America's multibillion-dollar sea gate threatened! Will the new Panama Canal treaty be another "sellout"? Read what will happen next, from our on-the-scene correspondent. Panama City, Panama. Will new trouble break out in Panama? The answer is YES! Can America keep the Panama Canal? The answer is NO! Visiting this tiny "S-shaped" republic, we found the answer - why America cannot keep the Panama Canal. You need to understand why the loss of the Panama Canal will be a major blow to U.S. power and prestige, how losing this multibillion-dollar sea gate will seriously undermine your job, your pocketbook, your future - even the economic security of the whole Western Hemisphere.

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1965Vol XXX, No.11