The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1965
Volume: Vol XXX, No.12
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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  

   Was Jesus speaking in tongues on the cross when He said: "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani"? (Mark 15:34.)
R. E. G., Wichita, Kans.

   There is not one record that Jesus ever "spoke in tongues" while He was on earth over 1900 years ago. Mark 5:34 is no exception.
   The words "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" are Aramaic. Aramaic was the language spoken in Palestine by the common people during the day of Christ! This fact, in itself, proves that Jesus wasn't, speaking in some ecstatic tongue!
   Christ was merely using the commonly spoken language of His nation and day.
   Except for these few Aramaic words, Mark wrote his book in the Greek language. Greek was the language of literature and commerce for Palestine. But, Mark wrote these few words down just exactly as Jesus spoke them in Aramaic. Then Mark — who also understood Aramaic — interpreted or translated them into Greek in his own gospel account.
   Similarly, in our English Bibles the words are written as the Aramaic would appear in English letters. The translation is then given in English: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
   Mark gave the original Aramaic for a definite reason. Notice the next verse: "And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias" (Mark 15:35).
   Mark gave the original Aramaic to let us know why some nearby thought He called for Elias. They misunderstood Jesus when He said the Aramaic word "Eioi" and thought He said "Elias," Because of their misunderstanding, some caustically said: "Let us see whether Elias will come to take him down."
   Many people have been deceived about the entire subject of "tongues" (I Cor. 14), Is "speaking in tongues' the Bible evidence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Are the Pentecost manifestations of Acts 2 being repeated today?
   All these and other questions are answered in our fascinating booklet "The 'TONGUES' Question." Write for your free copy now!

   I am a high school student and have proven the Bible means what it says. What am I to do about classes that propound evolution? I'm afraid I will fail them because I see no point in studying evolutionary ideas.
J. A. B., Baltimore, Md.

   No point in studying the theory of evolution? You have more reason than anyone else to learn and to understand the false teachings of modern evolutionary science.
   In order to intelligently refute an idea, you must understand it! That's why at the Ambassador Colleges we use textbooks that teach evolution as well as those that refute it. The students learn how to properly evaluate the ideas of men and see where the ideas are wrong.
   You can make top grade? in your classes without agreeing with these erroneous ideas.
   So, diligently apply yourself to studying your assignments — even though the textbook is merely teaching human speculation about the origin of life, geologic history, or whatever it is.
   Be careful not to argue or debate about the Bible or the theory of evolution. Your teachers, and probably various friends and relatives, have their own ideas. Unless they have open minds on the subject, it is useless, and actually harmful, to talk with them unnecessarily about the Bible or the theory of evolution.
   When you are given a test, generally give the answers you know the teacher wants. Yet, without stating that you believe in the answers. You may want to paraphrase, if it becomes necessary, certain questions with phrases as, "It is believed..." "The book says..." or "The theory of evolution teaches..." "It is commonly assumed" or "Many presume...." In this way you will be correctly stating what the book or the teacher says, without implying that you believe such errors!

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1965Vol XXX, No.12