That Delicious Pork Roast - is it a Sin to Eat it?
Roderick C Meredith & Calvin Allen
Were all animals made clean? What is the meaning of Peter's vision? Here is a straight-forward Bible answer. This subject is important to your health and well being! "Honey that pork roast was simply delicious!" How many husbands have made exclamations like this about the many meat products that come from the hog? Yet some people will tell you that any meat coming from a hog is not fit to eat! Why do they say this? The answer to these and other vital questions concerning your health and also your relationship to God is found in the true Bible explanation of Peter's vision. This remarkable event is related in the tenth chapter of Acts. What Did the Vision Mean? It is important for you to understand this vision! It may well affect your health, happiness, and eternal life. Yet there are many different interpretations of this vision. Why? God's word says only one thing. So let's examine these scriptures and let the Bible interpret the Bible.
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