Know The Answer?
To whom did the people of Israel say, "Come make us a god who will go before us?"

Exodus 32:1

What You Should Know About Ambassador College
Good News Magazine
April 1952
Volume: Vol II, No. 4
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What You Should Know About Ambassador College

HERE are some things you should know - especially if you are a student who has graduated from high school. First, the college catalog for the 1952-53 academic year is ready for distribution. It contains complete information about the college - the college calendar for the coming school year, with dates of all major events, two full page maps showing location of the college, its faculty and vital information about each professor, the history and purpose of the college, its policies, description of its location, of the campus and buildings, facilities, campus life, special advantages, employment opportunities, tuition, room and board, applications, the degrees offered and requirements, full curriculum information, courses offered - 68 pages, illustrated, giving you complete information. A copy will be mailed to all who are interested, upon request.

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Good News MagazineApril 1952Vol II, No. 4