Know The Answer?
To whose house was David invited to play his harp?
King Saul's

I Samuel 16:16-19

And Now.... ON TO EUROPE!
Good News Magazine
April 1952
Volume: Vol II, No. 4
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And Now.... ON TO EUROPE!

Plans now being laid to broadcast and publish the Original True GOSPEL for the first time in 1000 years to all Europe, Britain -the very lands where the Apostles preached! It must go in MIGHTY POWER! AT LAST, plans are beginning to take definite shape to open up over all Europe - over the very lands where the original Apostles preached - over all the British Isles - behind the Iron Curtain into RUSSIA and Communist countries, the most dynamic, sweeping, powerful, world-shaking Gospel campaign in 1800 years! Five years ago Mrs. Armstrong and I went to England, Switzerland, Italy, France. We made a thorough preliminary survey of the possibilities. Men high in governments, key newspaper men, radio men, were interviewed. We investigated thoroughly to determine the most strategic site for the European headquarters for this greatest work on earth.

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Good News MagazineApril 1952Vol II, No. 4