Know The Answer?
Name the book in the Old Testament that never uses the word God.

Is Water Baptism Necessary?
Good News Magazine
May 1952
Volume: Vol II, No. 5
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Is Water Baptism Necessary?

Are there conditions that we must perform before we can receive the gift of eternal life? "WHAT shall I do to have my sins forgiven and to be reconciled to God?" That question is being asked us by hundreds of people who never before have been mentally and spiritually at ease. Perhaps you also have come to this place in life where you sincerely desire to be reconciled to God and to learn His way? Just HOW to be forever relieved of the crushing load of past mistakes in your life! What you need to do is free your mind of prejudice and open your Bible. The apostle Peter was once asked: "What shall we do to be forgiven?" Where did he find the will of God? In the teachings of the sects of his day? Not at all. Peter went to the teaching of Jesus and that's exactly what you will have to do. Be not "unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians 5: 17) His will is expressed in all the Bible. Christians are to "live by every word of God." (Luke 4:4)

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Good News MagazineMay 1952Vol II, No. 5