Know The Answer?
Name one of Job's three friends.
Eliphaz, Zophar, Bildad

Job 2:11 or Job 42:9

EYEWITNESS REPORT Inside Central America!
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1966
Volume: Vol XXXI, No.1
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EYEWITNESS REPORT Inside Central America!

Dr. Dorothy, Dean of Instruction at our Ambassador College, Texas campus, is head of the Spanish Department. He visited Latin America to obtain the pulse of events south of the border - and to investigate broadcasting and advertising media. Here is the first part of his lucid, colorful, fast-moving report on Central and South America. Panama City, Panama. Landing in Guatemala is a breathtaking experience! Plunging through cotton - candy clouds, gliding over slashing ravines, tropical foliage and red-roofed houses, our turbojet touched ground with its tail hanging over a sheer 100-foot drop to the canyon below.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1966Vol XXXI, No.1