Know The Answer?
Which church era has the promise to sit with Jesus on his throne?

Revelation 3:21

Come to the TABERNACLE
Good News Magazine
August 1953
Volume: Vol III, No. 7
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Come to the TABERNACLE

Many of you wish to see the Tabernacle being built at Gladewater, Texas. Here's the right way to do it. HAVE you seen the Tabernacle that is being constructed for God's people near Gladewater, Texas? If not, then you're missing something big! Most of you have heard and read about this inspiring project, and you are probably anxious to see it. When should you come? How can you afford to make the trip? Why should you come? The answers to these questions are far more important than you may realize! Purpose of Tabernacle. As Mr. Armstrong has explained, the chief purpose of this large Tabernacle is to enable God's children to convene at the annual Holy Days as He has commanded. This world's churches have their man-devised "camp meetings" at a time and in a way that seems right to man. But we have proved in past articles - and will continue to do so - that the annual sabbaths or feast days God gave His people were commanded and intended to be kept former (Lev. 23:21, 31,41).

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Good News MagazineAugust 1953Vol III, No. 7