Know The Answer?
Recite the seventh commandment.
You shall not commit adultery.

Exodus 20:14

Six More Ministers Now Ordained
Good News Magazine
February-March 1955
Volume: Vol V, No. 2
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Six More Ministers Now Ordained

Now, for the first time in 750 years, God's complete government is restored in His Church. JANUARY 22nd was a Sabbath that will go down in the eternal history of God's Church and His Kingdom! On that day, for the first time in 750 years, the government of God was fully restored in His Church. Every administrative office which Christ set in His Church is functioning once again. On that day, at the headquarters Church in Pasadena, six additional God-called, consecrated, Ambassador-College-trained ministers were ordained with fasting and prayer, by the laying on of hands of the ministers previously ordained. Not Since 1200 A.D. Historical research reveals that the list remains of God's complete government in the true Church of God existed around 1200 A.D., among the "Waldenses" (as the Church of God was then called by the world), while the apostle Peter Waldo was still alive. Some of the administrative offices which Christ set in His Church have continued to the present time.

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Good News MagazineFebruary-March 1955Vol V, No. 2