Seven PROOFS of the Church of God
Good News Magazine
September 1955
Volume: Vol V, No. 4
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Seven PROOFS of the Church of God

Here is irrefutable evidence that identifies the ONE TRUE CHURCH - the church Jesus said He WOULD build! CAN YOU really prove to yourself, and to others who may be willing to learn, that you are in God's church? Can you show - step by step - how totally different Gods church is from all others, and why it is different? God commands Christians to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). This church - God's church - is doing that. Through God's calling you have been led to realize that the message you hear on "The World Tomorrow" broadcast, and the articles you read in The PLAIN TRUTH are the very work of God - that they are the direct instrument of the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. And now, through the articles in The GOOD NEWS magazine, and perhaps after attending some of the annual festivals, you have come to realize that this is not only God's work - but also His Church - THE VERY CHURCH JESUS SAID HE WOULD BUILD (Mat. 16:18).

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Good News MagazineSeptember 1955Vol V, No. 4