Know The Answer?
Name the king who reigned in Esther's time?
King Xerxes (Ahasuerus)

Esther 1:1

The Manila Summit Conference - PEACE IN OUR TIME?
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1966
Volume: Vol XXXI, No.12
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The Manila Summit Conference - PEACE IN OUR TIME?

World leaders today are asking: "Is there a WAY to peace-some formula to follow - that will solve the chronic ills of this world?" The answer is made plain here. Press Headquarters Manila Summit Conference. Today, the streets of Manila are jammed with private autos, Jeepneys, taxis, and busses. Thousands of people have converged on the city for one last look at the heroes of this, man's latest attempt at peace – the Manila Summit Conference. The chiefs of state of seven nations - the United States, the Philippine Republic. Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, South Korea and South Vietnam - have gathered here in Manila to discuss the war in Vietnam and the hope for peace.

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1966Vol XXXI, No.12