Know The Answer?
What am I: I am a place of safety for anyone who accidentally killed another. A person who caused an accidental death could take refuge within my walls, until he stood before the congregation on trial.
City of Refuge

Joshua 20

Continued GROWTH in The Church of God!
Good News Magazine
December 1958
Volume: Vol VII, No. 8
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Continued GROWTH in The Church of God!

The world-wide body of Christ is now more strongly knit together. God continues to BLESS His Church! DURING this time of increasing world chaos and the threat of human annihilation, God continues to bless His "little flock" - the Church Jesus built. This Church is now developing into a real spiritual organism around the face of this entire earth! Many changes have taken place - a wonderful feast of tabernacles has come and gone - since the last "Church News" column in this magazine. During the coming year, we hope to be able to give you the point by point news of growth in God's local churches-and in His work around the world. May God move your hearts so that you will REJOICE that He has called us as coworkers together with Christ to do the work of His Church in this age just before the World Tomorrow!

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Good News MagazineDecember 1958Vol VII, No. 8