Know The Answer?
Who undertook the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem just before Christ's return.
Herod the Great.

BAPTISMAL TOURS... Progress Report
Good News Magazine
August 1960
Volume: Vol IX, No. 8
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BAPTISMAL TOURS... Progress Report

The nation-wide baptismal tours have completed their seventh week. Here is a concise report of their progress so far and the fruits God is adding to His Church. BY JUNE 1 of this year over 1,200 requests for baptism had reached headquarters here in Pasadena, California. For several weeks the men selected to go on tour had spent long hours pinpointing cities and towns on detailed road maps of the U.S. As the time neared for departure, exact itineraries and schedules had been worked out by the teams. Three groups daily were scheduled to be contacted by each tour - morning, early afternoon and evening. The next eleven weeks would be jam-packed weeks of hard work and long driving hours. On June 7 and 8 the three main teams left from Pasadena - each with the names of over 350 persons on the schedule.

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Good News MagazineAugust 1960Vol IX, No. 8