Know The Answer?
What did Pharoah command his people to do with the Israelite babies?
Throw all the boy babies into the Nile.

Exodus 1

Plain Truth Magazine
October 1967
Volume: Vol XXXII, No.10
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Frank Schnee  

The sweeping decisions of the top-level Common Market Meeting in Rome, Britain's second application to join the European Common Market, the hard-fought conclusion to the Kennedy Round of Tariff Negotiations and the continually worsening gold crisis - all these point to the nearness of a great disaster just ahead for our nations! Dusseldorf, Germany. The Roman Empire is being reborn! The Common Market nations made a great leap forward just a few months ago at Rome. Watching the pomp and ceremony at that tenth anniversary Common Market Summit Conference in the so called "Eternal City" drove that point home to me. Many hardly noticed that Conference - newsmen didn't realize its significance.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1967Vol XXXII, No.10