Know The Answer?
How much did Judas receive from the Chief Prists?
Thirty pieces of silver.

Matthew 26:15

Gods Church Expands World Wide!
Good News Magazine
February 1961
Volume: Vol X, No. 2
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Gods Church Expands World Wide!

A baptizing tour of Africa! The annual ministers' conference now makes plans for all parts of the world. GO YE into all the world," commanded our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. This is the job WE in God's Church have to perform. As our annual ministers' conference drew to a close the other day, God's ministers realized more than ever that this means US! For, under the leadership of Jesus Christ, we discussed plans for the future, presented by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, that call for literally circling the globe. And two of us had just returned from a trip to Africa before the conference. Baptizing Tour to Africa At last this era of God's Church is being established in Africa! Just a few weeks ago, Mr. Raymond McNair and I took a flying trip to Africa. The purpose of the trip was twofold. First, it was to enable us to meet and work with our representative in Central Africa, Mr. Joseph E. Mwambula. Secondly, it was to enable us to meet and baptize those who were able to meet us at Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, and at Johannesburg and Capetown, South Africa.

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1961Vol X, No. 2