BUMPER U.S. WHEAT CROP - But Look at Next Year's Problems
Jerry Gentry
U.S. experts are announcing a bumper wheat harvest for 1968. Wheat acreage allotments for 1969 have been reduced another 13 to 18 percent to offset overproduction. What does that mean? Does the nation really have adequate reserves to withstand major exports or a crop failure? Read this report from our PLAIN TRUTH correspondent who just returned from the wheat belt. Oklahoma's wheat crop has taken an astounding reversal from last year's near disaster, The Oklahoma Crop and Livestock Reporting Service announces 123.6 million bushels harvested in 1968. This is 29 million bushels above the 5-year average of 94.9 million bushels – a 30% increase over the 5-year average. But western Kansas, once thriving wheat country, has suffered a terrible six months' drought again this year!
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