Know The Answer?
What did God promise to give Abraham and Sarah?
A son.

Genesis 17:19

Personal from the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1968
Volume: Vol XXXIII, No.10
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Personal from the Editor

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - WHY DO MORE THAN FOUR MILLION read this magazine? How did it come into being? Did it have a purpose - fill a need? WHO was back of it? WHAT makes it "tick"? Some 150,000 new readers have been added these past three months. And many of our new readers would like answers. So in this month's Personal column I'll try to oblige. And at the same time, I should like to ask a few questions of YOU. I'll ask my questions first. I have stated many times how newspapers, other magazines and newscasts report happenings - describe problems - paint the picture of what's wrong in the world. But they seldom have the answers. Few seem to know the solutions. That is the knowledge gap The PLAIN TRUTH has come forward to fill. So I would like to hear from our readers what you need most to know. What problems would you like better to UNDERSTAND? What will most help you?

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1968Vol XXXIII, No.10