Know The Answer?
What did Pharoah command his people to do with the Israelite babies?
Throw all the boy babies into the Nile.

Exodus 1

How Ambassador College fills TODAY'S KNOWLEDGE GAP
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1969
Volume: Vol XXXIV, No.2
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How Ambassador College fills TODAY'S KNOWLEDGE GAP

Despite today's "explosion" in scientific and technical knowledge, an astounding KNOWLEDGE GAP exists in all fields of human endeavor. Here's how Ambassador College IS FILLING that gap - and how YOU can reap the benefits. Unbelievable! But experts tell us that in just ten years, scientific and technical knowledge has doubled. Yet an ALARMING "knowledge gap" exists in this modern, pulsating 20th Century space age! Knowledge is now estimated to be doubling every two and one-half years. By 1975, man's fund of accumulated knowledge will double every three months - if present trends continue! But what kind of knowledge has man been accumulating?

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1969Vol XXXIV, No.2