Know The Answer?
In what city did Nehemiah serve as cupbearer?

Nehemiah 1:1

Ministerial Conference Real SUCCESS!
Good News Magazine
February 1962
Volume: Vol XI, No. 2
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Ministerial Conference Real SUCCESS!

Plans made for world-wide expansion. Another minister ordained. And, at last, local churches to be started in the "Deep South"! THEY came by plane, train and automobile. God's ministers from all over America - and some from overseas. It was a happy occasion. Deep love, joy and spiritual UNITY seemed to pervade the atmosphere as close friends and former roommates and college "buddies" - now the very ministers of the Living Christ - joyfully greeted one another as the Ministerial Conference began. Mr. Raymond McNair and Dr. Benjamin Rea had flown across the Atlantic from England for these conferences. Mr. Gerald Waterhouse and Mr. Tony Hammer had come from Australia. With these men from overseas gone for years at a time, and with the Feasts even here in America now divided, it was good to see everyone together again. It was almost like "old times."

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1962Vol XI, No. 2