Know The Answer?
How many letters to the Thessalonians are there?

I & II Thessalonians

Women's Dress Ruling
Good News Magazine
September 1962
Volume: Vol XI, No. 9
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Women's Dress Ruling

Concerning too short and too tight skirts, and extra-low-neck dresses. WHY does the Word of God confine His instruction regarding modest apparel, and the adorning of the person with clothes, to the WOMEN? Did God desire to discriminate - to make women uncomfortable - to show partiality to men? Does God intend for men to show off themselves in ornamental and gay attire, while He commands women to make unsightly scare-crows of themselves? Of course we know better than that. There is nothing in God's instruction to make women appear ugly, or to make them uncomfortable. On the contrary, many, if not most, women will suffer any amount of discomfort in their worship of the goddess Dame Fashion.

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Good News MagazineSeptember 1962Vol XI, No. 9