Know The Answer?
Who am I: I am the Priest of Midian. I gave my son-in-law some good advice. His name is Moses.

Exodus 18:1-27

A CLOSE-UP REPORT - The Work of God in Canada!
Good News Magazine
February 1963
Volume: Vol XII, No. 2
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A CLOSE-UP REPORT - The Work of God in Canada!

This is the beginning of a series of informative articles to bring you the interesting details, some candid pictures and a thumbnail, background sketch of the overseas offices of the world-wide WORK OF GOD! THE SUN never sets on the offices of this great Work of the Almighty God! This Work is fulfilling the commission given to it by Jesus Christ - "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached IN ALL THE WORLD..." (Matt. 24:14). Five overseas offices on four continents ring the globe This world-circling Work is being carried on by the living Head of this great Work - Jesus Christ. As Head, He directs this very Work. YOU are a part of this world-wide organization! YOU are a part of the very Work, supervised by the Almighty God - a Work that is changing lives in every corner of the globe!

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1963Vol XII, No. 2