Know The Answer?
Who are we: We are scattered and very small. We are persecuted by all. We keep God's commandments and it sure makes us a happy lot. One day we will shed this body, and rise to meet Jesus Christ in the sky.
The Church of God

Christ's POWER Moves His Church Forward!
Good News Magazine
February 1963
Volume: Vol XII, No. 2
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Christ's POWER Moves His Church Forward!

This year we held the most successful Ministerial Conference ever! And Christ is INSPIRING important decisions in His Work even in the aftermath. "AND HE is the HEAD of the body, the Church" (Col. 1:18). Tremendous GROWTH is now taking place in the body of Jesus Christ - His Church! It is the same Jesus Christ of whom Paul spoke who is now directing and inspiring in far-reaching decisions that are being made by God's Church. As the end of this age approaches, we sense more and more the intense NEED of this guidance and strength from the real HEAD and BOSS over God's Work today. We pray for it - and rejoice in it! Do YOU?

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1963Vol XII, No. 2