Know The Answer?
Who was made to carry Jesus' cross?
Simon of Cyrene.

Luke 23:26

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"CHURCH FATHERS" - Catholic and Protestant - CONDEMN ALL WARFARE! - Installment Four

Consistent quotes from historic records prove irrevocably that even early Catholic doctrine forbade bloodshed. This doctrine was still preached and practiced as late as the fourth century. Read this startling proof from the pens of professing Christians' own authorities! MOST CHURCHES today take for granted the belief that good Christians should fight for their country! Today's Teaching. A leading Roman Catholic priest and former dean of Catholic University, Washington, D.C., summarized this common belief in a speech delivered in Baltimore, Maryland, April 17, 1961. "A soldier may kill in time of war, but for him to kill in the spirit of hatred is not the proper Christian attitude." He further stated that: "Catholics MAY NOT justifiably become pacifists or conscientious objectors."

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Good News MagazineMay 1963Vol XII, No. 5