Know The Answer?
Name the son of Abraham and Sarah?

Genesis 21:3

The Story of Man - But It's Only a White Lie!
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1969
Volume: Vol XXXIV, No.6
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The Story of Man - But It's Only a White Lie!

EUSHA wanted to feed a hungry crowd that had come to hear him lecture. But all he had was a few ears of corn and twenty small loaves of barley bread. Elisha instructed that these be given to the people. His servant complained that such a small amount of food for so many people would be more annoying than satisfying. (II Kings 4:42-43.) Not Enough Food? "Distribute the corn and bread as I asked," Elisha said firmly. "You will find that there will be more than enough."

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1969Vol XXXIV, No.6