Are women inferior to men in the eyes of God? Is this life a training ground for women as well as men? How can YOU become kings and priests in the Kingdom? Read this God's answers!
RECENTLY a woman came to me with the question, "What will I be able to do when the Kingdom of God is set up?" A teen-age girl asked, "What good is it to be a woman? It seems God always favors men in the Bible." Another woman standing nearby wondered, "What does it mean: We will all become Sons of God? Will we women become daughters of God, or what?" Most of you women — and many of you men — have also asked these same questions. God's ministers have preached scores of sermons on the proper husband and wife relationship. Articles have appeared in both The GOOD NEWS and The PLAIN TRUTH magazines on this vital subject. Yet, many have misunderstood the entire lesson God intended. You have heard what you are NOT supposed to do — especially you women. You have heard how the husband is to be the HEAD of the wife and the household — and he is! Many of you have felt because of this, that you had nothing positive TO DO! This is not true! The responsibilities of women are just as much an integral part of God's plan as the responsibilities given a man. Because the wife is told to be in SUBJECTION to her husband does not mean she is totally void of opportunities which develop character necessary to be born into the Kingdom of God. It is God's will for ALL of us to be saved — both men and women.
Are Women Inferior to Men?
In the beginning it was God Who said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: let them have dominion... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and FEMALE created he them" (Gen. 1:26-27). And Genesis 2:18, "the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an HELP meet [suitable] for him." This was a perfect physical creation. Throughout time, God intended men and women to marry, to reproduce and populate the earth and to be happy. God created within the woman characteristics which were to complement — to help — to serve her husband. The fact we were created male and female reveals wisdom and love in the plan of God. A GREAT SPIRITUAL LESSON can be learned from the creation. This lesson is pictured in the New Testament. In the fifth chapter of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul writes concerning the marriage union. At the conclusion of this section, he said, "This is a GREAT MYSTERY: but I speak concerning Christ and the church" (v. 32). The entire relationship of a man toward his wife is a TYPE of the love, engagement and marriage of Christ to His Church. All through the Scriptures we find the analogy that the woman is typical of the Church. The husband is the type of Jesus Christ. Now, can you begin to see the importance God places upon the marriage relationship and why God created us male and female? The part of the female is not one of insignificance at all — rather one that illustrates our relationship as a Church which will ultimately marry Jesus Christ.
What Can a Woman Do?
This life is d training ground for the coming Kingdom of God! What we do here and now determines the reward we will receive when Christ comes. We are told in Revelation 3:21, "To him that OVERCOMETH will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." We all must overcome temptations of Satan the Devil, the world around us, and our own human nature! The way to overcome is to follow and obey the laws of God and adhere to His instructions in the Bible. Although the Bible generally admonishes all of us in the male gender, this does not mean the female is being excluded. God refers to Himself in the MALE gender. When referring to mankind in general, God often refers to us by the pronoun he — yet all the women are included! But there are particular sections of the Bible devoted specifically to the male — and there are sections devoted specifically to the female! You will be surprised how often God encourages, instructs, a woman directly. Here are a few positive examples and commands according to God's standard of what a woman should be doing here and now to qualify for the Kingdom of God.
What Women Should Learn
Unfortunately, as a result of the society in which we have all been brought up, we have not learned these principles. But it is not too late to learn now. You parents of teen-age girls should be positively teaching your daughters these principles while they can learn how they can really be happy. One of the clearest sections of the Bible on the direct responsibilities of a woman is in Paul's letter to Titus. In this section, he gives clear admonition that women are to be taught the true laws of success for their happiness. Notice this section in Titus 2:4, "That they [the older women] may teach the young women to be sober [or as you find in the margin, WISE]." Why should a woman learn wisdom? The obvious answer is that it is not only a way to be happy now — but it is one of the very characteristics of God we must develop if we ever will inherit the Kingdom of God and rule with Jesus Christ. Next, the young women should be taught "to LOVE THEIR HUSBANDS, to LOVE THEIR CHILDREN." Here are qualifies multiple thousands have never learned in today's modern society! Is it any wonder there is divorce, illegitimacy, and desertion, running rampant in our nation? Anyone who positively follows God's laws and instruction on these matters is bound to have a happy marriage, obedient children, good health, and every ingredient for happiness in this life. Women should also learn to be "DISCREET." Many women totally lack discretion. Have you ever read what Solomon said about a beautiful woman who does not have discretion? Turn to Proverbs 11:22, "As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion." What a vivid comparison! The old saying "beauty is only skin deep" does have a measure of truth. There is nothing wrong with radiant health, a colorful complexion, and those qualities which make a woman beautiful — but if they are not followed up with real wisdom, DISCRETION and love, all that beauty is only skin deep! Continuing in Titus 2, we find the woman is to be "chaste." That is, she is to he virtuous and morally pure. She is to be "A KEEPER AT HOME." Here again is a positive something to do. Articles appear often in leading magazines on the pros and cons of women working. There is no argument in the eyes of God. Certainly, a young girl out of high school or college — before she is married — should be working and should be learning as much as she can to improve herself before she is married. However, once a woman is married she should be working toward her goal — her calling — to be a homemaker! This does not mean for some temporary time a married woman cannot work in order to help out — but it should not be her ultimate goal and she should be taught as a young woman that her responsibility is to be a keeper at home. Women are to be "good," and "obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed." Here are lessons in character building which are above and beyond evaluation. For a woman, here are laws — positive laws — which lead to real happiness.
The Qualities of a Good Wife!
The best known chapter in all the Bible for the responsibilities of a woman is Proverbs 31:10-31. Here are many examples which you women can and should be putting into practice in your lives. Notice what some of them are as we skip down through the verses. She seeks wool and flax and works WILLINGLY with her hands. She brings food from far away. She rises before dawn, if necessary, to give food to her household. She considers a piece of property and can buy it. By the labor of her hands she plants a vineyard or garden. She can work with a spindle or sewing machine. She stretches her hand to the poor to help when she can. She is not afraid of the snow because her family is properly clothed. She makes fine linen. She opens her mouth with wisdom — not flippant, aimless gossip — and in her tongue is the law of kindness. Here is a picture of a woman whose aim in life — physically speaking — is the welfare of her family. SHE IS BUSY! SHE WORKS! She has CONCERN FOR OTHERS! Think about these responsibilities! Are YOU fulfilling them? And YOU MEN reading this article, are YOU allowing your wife to fulfill all of these? There is hardly a man who would not want his wife to be exactly like this chapter pictures a virtuous woman. She is one who will serve and bring happiness all the days of her life — but are you giving your wife the guidance she needs to fulfill these duties?
Sewing and Shopping
Let's look again at some of these responsibilities. How do they apply to the everyday life of the modern twentieth-century housewife? It is important to understand. Several of these verses show that a woman is able to make or purchase fine quality cloth or clothing, and she is capable of making clothing for her family. First, however, is a matter of qualify. Every mother and housewife should be able to buy the best possible quality the family can afford. Not only does the clothing look better, but it will wear longer. Not every woman has learned to sew, but that does not mean she still cannot learn — or certainly see to it her daughters learn. A woman who is a good seamstress can provide far more, and better clothing for her children and herself with the same amount of money — than the person who must buy everything readymade. So it is well worth the effort to learn this important skill. Another illustration from this chapter is grocery shopping. The woman is the one who is free during the shopping hours. It is her job to purchase the groceries for the week. Men are held responsible for providing a living for the family. They are called the "bread winners." But they do not directly bring home the bread. They should provide the grocery allotment for the family which is generally about 20% of the average family's income. It is up to her to make it last through the week or month. Notice how the Scripture says she travels afar to purchase her food. With today's modern supermarkets, this may not be necessary in every case. But in many areas, much better milk, eggs, butter, honey, fruits and vegetables can be purchased directly from a small farm right outside of your town! If this is true and you have not been getting certain items this way, you are missing some of the best tasting and BEST QUALITY FOODS. And one of the best parts about it — this is something WOMEN really like to do! A wife can develop a great deal of wisdom and character just by properly handling the grocery items every week.
Rising Early and Gardening
The right example for a woman to set is to be up ahead of the rest of the family in order to get them off to a good, wholesome breakfast every day. How the day starts may well determine how well the husband will do in his job, how the children do their schoolwork — and the joy of the wife as she goes about her daily duties. Many a day has been started by getting out on the wrong side of the bed — or even not getting out of bed at all! If the wife has the clothes all ready for the family to put on and a piping hot breakfast ready in time for the family to really relax and enjoy it, every day can begin with amazing joy. Another fine opportunity many women pass up is the planting of a garden. If you have the property where you could even have a small garden and if you have never planted one, think of all the better tasting foods you have passed up. There are any number of books available on organic gardening which will help you learn to garden if you never have. This is a way not only to break the routine of housework, but a good way to get out of doors for exercise and sunshine which are such a vital part of good health. We could go on and on with examples of a truly industrious woman who is happy and who is developing godly character, but time and space do not permit it. But what God has given a woman to do is certainly not an insignificant job! If she properly handles these responsibilities, she does gain in many ways. Notice how Solomon concludes this chapter of Proverbs in verses 30 and 31: "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works PRAISE HER IN THE GATES." In verse 10 he says of this woman, "Who can find a virtuous woman? FOR HER PRICE IS FAR ABOVE RUBIES." Caring for the household is not a position to be taken lightly. The added responsibility of rearing children must be taken seriously. If some of the duties have seemed insignificant in the past, the goal of getting them accomplished should encourage you all to strive more toward perfection.
Will There Be Male and Female in the Kingdom?
In all the Bible there is no mention of a secondary promise which would apply only to women. Certainly there is nothing to indicate women will have to take a lesser position when we are all born again. The promise is given to ALL WHO OVERCOME! In a section dealing with husband-and-wife relationships, Peter wrote in I Peter 3:7, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, AND AS BEING HEIRS TOGETHER OF THE GRACE OF LIFE; that your prayers be not hindered." This clearly shows we are ALL working and striving toward the SAME GOAL! What sex we were born has no bearing on whether or not we will enter the Kingdom. Each of us has been given responsibilities to perform, whether male or female. As we overcome we will receive a reward. The Sadducees tried to trick Christ asking Him questions about the resurrection from the dead. The trick question was about who was going to be married to whom at the time of the resurrection. Here is the plain answer in the Scripture Christ gave them, "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection THEY NEITHER MARRY, NOR ARE GIVEN IN MARRIAGE, but are as the angels of God in heaven" (Matt. 22:29-30). At that time there will be no difference of sex in the spirit world. God's angels do not marry. Neither will those born into the Family of God. Paul said in I Corinthians 15:51-52, "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." We will no longer he mortal — but immortal We will all be composed of spirit. Now read I John 3:2, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God [whether we are male or female], and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he [Christ] shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; for we shall see him as he is." At that time, ALL of us — if we have qualified — will be exactly like Christ!
What YOU Will Look Like
In Revelation 1:13-16 we read how Christ is — He has hair white like wool, eyes like flames of fire, His face shines as the sun in its full strength. This is what it will be like for women to be in God's Kingdom. Their position will not be different from or in any lesser capacity than men. All of us will be spirit beings — no longer "men" and "women" — but all BORN SONS OF GOD — all of us will be like Christ! Women as well as men have been placed here to perform a responsibility. This responsibility is different in nature and authority — but one cannot function well without the other. This is the way God intended it. Each fulfilling his proper position is pleasing in the eyes of God and certainly is developing the kind of character God wishes to instill in us. Each one of you should put aside all thoughts which you might have that you could not serve in God's government Women, rejoice because you have been placed here as a help to your husbands, to fulfill the responsibilities given specifically to women. YOU can be a king or a priest RULING WITH CHRIST IN THE WORLD TOMORROW!