Know The Answer?
Whom did Jesus say would sit on thrones to rule the 12 tribes of Israel?
The disciples.

Luke 22:30

Christ's Return Will Bring World Peace - Final Installment
Good News Magazine
February 1964
Volume: Vol XIII, No. 2
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Christ's Return Will Bring World Peace - Final Installment

In this concluding installment you find out what will happen to this world's war-making machines! WORLD GOVERNMENT and universal peace are just around the corner! Read how Christ will STAMP OUT all opposition and bring happiness to humanity at last! ONLY A FEW of the ministers of these churches have from time to time seen the evils and complete idiocy of war and have spoken out against war. One rare example was Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick who spoke before the League of Nations prior to World War II. He chose as a subject for his address, Christ's statement: "All they that take the sword shall perish by the sword." Here is a part of his sermon:

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1964Vol XIII, No. 2