Know The Answer?
What material did Noah use to stop the Ark from leaking?
Tar (pitch).

Genesis 6:14

Is the Bible a CATHOLIC Book?
Good News Magazine
March 1964
Volume: Vol XIII, No. 3
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Is the Bible a CATHOLIC Book?
Paul W Kroll  

Was the CATHOLIC CHURCH responsible for the preservation of the Bible? Did God use that church to write and compile the New Testament scriptures? Since we accept the Bible as a divine revelation of God - we must KNOW the answers to these VITAL AND BASIC questions! THE ROMAN Catholic boast is, "The plain truth, which every sincere person MUST FACE is the fact that you can accept the Bible only upon the word of the Catholic Church. The Bible truly is a Catholic book, and it would not be in our possession today but for the Catholic Church. "If you can accept the Bible or any part of it as the inspired word of God, you can do so only because the CATHOLIC CHURCH SAYS IT IS" (The Bible Is a Catholic Book, p. 4). What about this claim, brethren?

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Good News MagazineMarch 1964Vol XIII, No. 3