Know The Answer?
Who am I: I lived in Bethany. I had two sisters. I died from an illness and was dead for four days. Jesus Christ brought me back to life.

John 11

AROUND THE WORLD - Twenty-Five Thousand Observe God's Feast
Good News Magazine
October 1964
Volume: Vol XIII, No. 10
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AROUND THE WORLD - Twenty-Five Thousand Observe God's Feast

The greatest Feast of Tabernacles in this age illustrates the phenomenal GROWTH in God's Church! Also NINE new churches raised up - and NINE ordinations! God's RICHEST blessings came pouring down during the recent Feast of Tabernacles! It was evident to everyone that GOD had put His name where His people were observing this Festival. Once again, His mighty power diverted a terrible hurricane which threatened to wreck our Feast plans at Jekyll Island. While one of the worst rainstorms in recent history deluged the Dallas area - and many other areas nearby-Gad's people, camping in tents at Big Sandy, had only moderate wind and rain, averting much hardship and suffering.

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Good News MagazineOctober 1964Vol XIII, No. 10