Know The Answer?
What is the meaning of Alpha and Omega?
Beginning and ending, first and last.

Revelation 1:8, Revelation 1:11

Irresponsible, Careless, False reporting of the Public Press
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1969
Volume: Vol XXXIV, No.10
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Irresponsible, Careless, False reporting of the Public Press

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - FOLLOWING THE ARSON ATTEMPT to burn down the Al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem, some careless news dispatches have attempted to link the suspect with Ambassador College. All such stories are 100% false. There is not, and never has been, any connection whatsoever. It is appalling what irresponsible, careless, false reporting is finding its way into some portions of the public press today. Because it has come to my attention such unfounded reports have appeared in newspapers in the United States, Canada, Britain, Europe, Australia and elsewhere, even going so far as to link my name with the man held for this dastardly act, I give you here the facts.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1969Vol XXXIV, No.10