Know The Answer?
One of the tribes of Israel "is a fruitful bough ...whose branches run over the wall". Which tribe is referred to in this scripture?

Genesis 49:22

Physical Exercise Does Profit!
Good News Magazine
August 1966
Volume: Vol XV, No. 8
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Physical Exercise Does Profit!

Is physical exercise important? Does it matter to God what condition your body is in? What are the benefits of physical exercise? What kind of exercises are good for you and how should you exercise? This article answers these questions. BEFORE John F. Kennedy was assassinated, he appointed a President's Council on Physical Fitness. He was so concerned about the lack of physical fitness in the adults of this nation that he appointed this Council to study the problem and give its recommendations. The Council did, in the form of a booklet entitled Adult Physical Fitness. On the inside of the front cover of this booklet is a message from John F. Kennedy to this nation.

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Good News MagazineAugust 1966Vol XV, No. 8