Know The Answer?
What did Peter do after denying his identity with Jesus?
He cried bitterly.

Matthew 26:75

News Flash! The World Tomorrow on TV
Good News Magazine
April 1967
Volume: Vol XVI, No. 4
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News Flash! The World Tomorrow on TV
Good News Staff  

HUNDREDS have asked, many of you have asked me personally, "When do we go on TV?" My stock answer has been, after a few minutes' discussion of the subject, "We'll go on television when God leads Mr. Armstrong to decide we are ready." Mr. Armstrong has decided! HERE IS THE PLAN! Step 1: Immediately order black-and-white cameras and equipment in order to produce a TV program in the present Radio Studio. Step 1A: Purchase time on KWHY-TV, Los Angeles, Channel 22, once per week. To begin the week of May 1, or as soon thereafter as our equipment is installed, and we can produce a program.

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Good News MagazineApril 1967Vol XVI, No. 4