Know The Answer?
What material did Noah use to stop the Ark from leaking?
Tar (pitch).

Genesis 6:14

The Inside Story of... A Computer to Serve You!
Good News Magazine
April 1967
Volume: Vol XVI, No. 4
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The Inside Story of... A Computer to Serve You!

Although the designers of the new third generation computer, IBM's 360, don't know they designed this fantastic tool for God's Work, they did! God inspired its conception! He inspired its principles! He inspired its "Data Cell" random access storage unit - the major component that makes our 360 the most effective tool ever devised for multimillion character storage. LONG before the advent of the 360 Computer, which IBM introduced April 7, 1964, we had teams of men looking into the computer field hoping to find some kind of fast access computer to handle our rapidly growing PLAIN TRUTH mailing list - but there was absolutely nothing on the market that would effectively do our job. We needed something tailored to our specifications, something new, something different, something that would not require our subscribers to have to use a subscriber code number each time they wrote in, something that did not require a number "tie-in" with subscription price, hilling, and payments.

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Good News MagazineApril 1967Vol XVI, No. 4