Know The Answer?
What did David do when he heard Saul was dead?
He cried.

II Samuel 1:12

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You didn't ask to be born. You didn't put in a request for race, color and creed. Or parents, or your geographical location, or the time of your birth. You're just here. Whether you like it or not you are an active participant in the BIG "BE IN"! Now - what to do about it? You don't like war, hypocrisy, commercialism, racism, the bomb, the Establishment, the way things are? You don't like the mess your parents handed you for a world to live in? You don't like pollution, overpopulation, a money-mad and morally mismanaged society your seniors have labeled "Civilization"? GOOD! And what's more, you're all fired up and want to DO something about it, not just talk and add to the hypocrisy? EXCELLENT! Would you like to do your thing and have it really mean something? GREAT! BUT HOW?

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1970Vol XXXV, No.03