Know The Answer?
What three kinds of fruit did the spies bring back from Canaan?
Grapes, pomegranates, and figs.

Numbers 13:23

In Conference With President Giri of India
Plain Truth Magazine
October-November 1970
Volume: Vol XXXV, No.10-11
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In Conference With President Giri of India

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - FOR THE FIRST TIME I am seeing the second most populous country in the world. I had flown over India on three round-the-world trips, with fuel stops only, here, and at Calcutta, and at Bombay. But I saw little except the airports then. I have just returned to our hotel from a tour through New Delhi, and the extremely congested downtown area of the Old City of Delhi. I want to share some of the experience with our readers, while it is fresh on my mind. The combined Old City and New Delhi - they adjoin - present a city of more extreme contrasts than any city I know in America or Europe. Of course you've heard about the rapid population increase in India.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober-November 1970Vol XXXV, No.10-11