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The Philistines set the Ark of God before what god?

I Samuel 5:2

Closing the Widening Gap
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.1
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Closing the Widening Gap

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - IN MY TRIP around the world last September, I spoke before a group of professional and businessmen at a Rotary Club luncheon in Singapore. Later, in Tokyo, I addressed a group of high-ranking professors from various universities in Japan, selected and brought together by Prince Mikasa, brother of Emperor Hirohito. Now I am on another round-the-world tour, writing again from New Delhi, India. And here an incident has come to my attention reminiscent of those two occasions in September. The President of Rotary International, Mr. William E. Walk, Jr., recently visited India. Some of the things he said here reminded me of what I said in the above-mentioned speeches.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1971Vol XXXVI, No.1