Q. I heard recently that a new Feast of Tabernacles site was established in Colombo, Ceylon. Would you please tell us more about it? A. During Mr. Armstrong's visit to Ceylon last August, several of the members requested that if possible, the Feast of Tabernacles might be held in their country. As a result, Mr. Richard Frankel and Mr. Chris Carpenter were sent to conduct the last half of the Feast. Twenty-nine people were in attendance on the Last Great Day. Then from Ceylon, Mr. Frankel began this year's Indian baptizing tour. Q. Is it true that the Feast of Tabernacles was held in Argentina this year? If so, had those people been keeping the Feast before? A. Seventy overjoyed brethren kept God's Fall Festival in Argentina this year for the first time. Mr. Robert Flores opened the observance. Dr. Charles V. Dorothy, director of the Spanish Work, was present to lead the second half.
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