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I Kings

I Visit the War Zone
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.5
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I Visit the War Zone

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - AT THE suggestion of Ambassador to South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker, I decided to visit Saigon, war capital of South Vietnam. You will ask the same question I first asked him: "Is it safe to fly into Saigon?" "You are more safe than you would be on the streets of Washington, D. C.," responded the Ambassador. Actually, many government officials in Washington, and many senators and congressmen, have visited Saigon. This is Tuesday afternoon, March 16th. We flew over here from Manila this morning, arriving shortly before noon. En route from the airport to our hotel, I was surprised to see so little evidence of the war. I was mostly impressed by the congested traffic. Automobile congestion was heavy. But for every car there were two to four "Hondas" - Japan-made motor bikes.

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1971Vol XXXVI, No.5