Know The Answer?
After Solomon died, who ruled over the ten northern tribes of Israel?

I Kings 12

Exclusive Interview at Saigon with Ellsworth C. Bunker U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.5
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Exclusive Interview at Saigon with Ellsworth C. Bunker U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam

At the suggestion of Ellsworth C. Bunker, U. S. Ambassador to South Vietnam, Herbert W. Armstrong, accompanied by Stanley R. Rader, general counsel of Ambassador College, flew to Saigon. In their 45-minute conference at the Embassy, the Ambassador gave Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader some illuminating information about the Vietnam war. Mr. Rader took notes of the interview. Below we give you his transcript of those notes. Saigon, South Vietnam. On Wednesday, March 17th, we were received by Ambassador Ellsworth C. Bunker at the American Embassy in Saigon. Mr. Armstrong informed the Ambassador that the 7 1/2 million readers of The PLAIN TRUTH would welcome a definitive article on the entire Vietnam situation.

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1971Vol XXXVI, No.5