Know The Answer?
Fill in the blank: When Jesus saw the large crowd, he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a ___.

Mark 6:34

UPDATE: Middle East Visits Opening Doors for the Gospel
Good News Magazine
December 1974
Volume: Vol XXIII, No. 12
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UPDATE: Middle East Visits Opening Doors for the Gospel
Good News Staff  

THE COMMISSION to preach the gospel Of Christ to the world gained new momentum in 1974. That year saw the first overseas personal appearance by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong in Manila. In addition, contacts were made with many world leaders, laying the groundwork for future appearances in other nations. So hectic - and productive - has been his schedule, that midway through the year Mr. Armstrong was led to exclaim: "Each country that opens its doors seems to lead to one or more others - and the invitations are coming faster than I can get to them!"

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Good News MagazineDecember 1974Vol XXIII, No. 12