Know The Answer?
How many people were baptized on the day of Pentecost?
About 3,000.

Acts 2:41

UPDATE: Newsstand Door Opens Wide in Australia
Good News Magazine
July 1975
Volume: Vol XXIV, No. 7
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UPDATE: Newsstand Door Opens Wide in Australia
Good News Staff  

Sydney, Australia: Circulation of the Plain Truth in Australia has taken a giant leap at the very time we thought we would be forced to cut back. By remarkable "coincidences" the door to newsagent distribution has opened just at the time that it appeared financially imperative that we find a solution to huge increases in postal costs. Eighteen months ago, the cost of mailing the Plain Truth was 5 1/2 cents per copy. As this soared to an incredible 17 cents, it became absolutely necessary that we find an alternative method of delivery. But little did we dream that distribution costs could be brought as low as three cents per copy! All previous attempts to display the Plain Truth on newsstands in Australia had proved unsuccessful. We have been able to distribute some 20,000 copies per month via special stands on key Sydney railway stations, but there was no possibility of extending this method to the rest of the country.

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Good News MagazineJuly 1975Vol XXIV, No. 7