Know The Answer?
Of what national background was the one leper that thanked Jesus?

Luke 8:27

UPDATE: A 'Good News' Progress Repost
Good News Magazine
November 1975
Volume: Vol XXIV, No. 11
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UPDATE: A 'Good News' Progress Repost
Good News Staff  

Since its new beginning in November 1973, The Good News magazine has been a continuing success story. The first issue under the new format had a combined circulation of over 113,000 in the United States and Canada. Today circulation stands at more than 300,000 in those two countries alone; an increase of 165% In two years. Additional, tens of thousands of readers have been added around the globe, bringing total worldwide circulation to over 330,000 - not including foreign language supplements. In addition to the: English language, The Good News appears as a supplement in La Pura Verdad, the Plain Truth in Spanish. And, as of April 1975, there has been a German edition of The Good News - Gute Nachricht (circulation 1700).

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Good News MagazineNovember 1975Vol XXIV, No. 11