Know The Answer?
Who devised a plan for Jacob to receive Esau's blessing?

Genesis 27:8-10

MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE: New Maturity and New Beginnings
Good News Magazine
August 1976
Volume: Vol XXV, No. 8
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MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE: New Maturity and New Beginnings

On Tuesday, May 18, more than 430 ministers of the Worldwide Church of God from around the globe convened for a major three-day ministerial conference in Ambassador Auditorium, Pasadena, California. The more than 18 hours in meetings were characterized by Garner Ted Armstrong as signaling "new beginnings" for the Church. The meetings began with a surprise announcement: the ordination of two evangelists. The newly ordained men were Dean Wilson, then director of the Canadian Work, and Ronald Kelly, executive vice president of Ambassador College, Big Sandy, Texas. The rest of the morning session was then taken up with addresses by the Armstrongs.

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Good News MagazineAugust 1976Vol XXV, No. 8