Know The Answer?
What am I: I am a place of safety for anyone who accidentally killed another. A person who caused an accidental death could take refuge with in my walls, until he stood before the congregation on trial.
City of Refuge.

Joshua 20

Good News Magazine
June 5, 1978
Volume: Vol VI, No. 12
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It is appropriate, at this time, to bring you up-to-date on The Good News. It has had a long history. The Good News was first established in 1933 as a mimeographed monthly paper for members of the Church of God during the days of the OREGON CONFERENCE OF THE CHURCH OF GOD. Thus it antedates the beginning of the present WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD. The parent local church of the present WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD was the Church of God at Eugene, Ore., organized in August, 1933. with 19 members. Though the first radio broadcasting was in October, 1933, the regular weekly program, which became The World Tomorrow program on radio, began Jan. 7, 1934. The Plain Truth began with Vol. I. No. 1, a humble mimeographed paper, Feb. 1. 1934.

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Good News MagazineJune 5, 1978Vol VI, No. 12