Know The Answer?
What prevented the lions from attacking Daniel?
An angel shut their mouths.

Daniel 6:22

Sharing... True greatness is...
Good News Magazine
July 31, 1978
Volume: Vol VI, No. 16
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Sharing... True greatness is...
Keith W Stump  

Just what is greatness? What constitutes a great person? And is greatness something the average man or woman can aspire to? We constantly hear about this or that great entertainer, great baseball player, great novelist or great doctor - people who are noted for superiority of accomplishment in a particular field of activity. But that great person might be, at the same time, a miserable failure as a parent, an inveterate liar and cheat, a person of questionable moral character. A truly great person would seem to be something else. The phrase implies something about the totality of an individual, not just one isolated facet of his life. In looking for true greatness we must look at a person as a whole. What, then, are the signs of true greatness in a person?

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Good News MagazineJuly 31, 1978Vol VI, No. 16