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Who said, "Why should my face not be sad when the city of my fathers... lies desolate...?"

Nehemiah 2:3

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Good News Magazine
September 25, 1978
Volume: Vol VI, No. 20
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Dennis R Robertson  

In the early part of the 20th century it British explorer set out on safari through the darkest part of Africa in search of a lost civilization. After trudging through vine choked jungles for several interminable days in suffocating heat. he came upon a remote native village. He approached the camp astonished at what he had found. "You people are lost to civilization," he observed to the chief. "We don't mind being lost." the chief replied in perfect English. "It's being found that worries us." So it is with many in the jungles of modern society. Unceasingly busy with daily affairs, enmeshed in an undergrowth of self-serving ambitions and personal problems, they are lost to the fruits of fellowship and friendship and could not care less whether they're discovered or not. Generally speaking, members of the Worldwide Church of God have not wandered into these forests of unfriendliness, but many are walking on the-perimeter in mighty tall grass.

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Good News MagazineSeptember 25, 1978Vol VI, No. 20