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Acts 18:2

Depression: Its Causes and Cure
Good News Magazine
December 04, 1978
Volume: Vol VI, No. 24
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Depression: Its Causes and Cure
Stephen Martin  

Depression - low spirits, blue moods, gloominess, dejection, sadness, discouragement, despair, feelings of inadequacy, a generally negative outlook on life - afflicts just about everyone once in a while, at least. I am not a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist. I will not deal with these problems in a technical way, but I do want to discuss them as a minister of Jesus Christ, who helps people through their trials. I'm going to use layman's terminology and speak from my experiences. Also I'm going to use material from the classes I have taken and the reading I have done on the subject. Depression is a symptom, a warning sign, given by the body or mind to tell you that something going on inside needs attention. Depression itself is not the problem but a symptom and warning of a problem - a warning to investigate and find and attend to whatever is the real problem.

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Good News MagazineDecember 04, 1978Vol VI, No. 24