Know The Answer?
Who am I: My son is the father of the dark skinned races. I was one of the longest serving ship builders in the world. For over a year I served as a zoo keeper.

Genesis 6-10

LOOK Magazine Dies... The Secret of The PLAIN TRUTH'S Amazing Vitality
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.11
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LOOK Magazine Dies... The Secret of The PLAIN TRUTH'S Amazing Vitality

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - INSTEAD OF BEING the Editor of the much alive and virile PLAIN TRUTH, besides my many other heavy responsibilities, I might have been out of a job this month. I might have been an executive on LOOK magazine. LOOK folded on October 19th. LOOK was owned and published by Cowles Communications, Inc. The parent publication of the Cowles organization is the Des Moines Register, often rated as one of the ten great newspapers of the United States. Having, as a young man, chosen journalism and advertising as what I then expected to be a life profession, I was giving the Des Moines Register some serious competition in 1911.

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1971Vol XXXVI, No.11