Know The Answer?
What was Tertullus occupation?
A lawyer.

Acts 24:1

Plain Truth Magazine
March-April 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.3
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Clifford C Marcussen  

Millions of American slum children are needlessly failing in school. An exciting new study is proving that such failure can be prevented. The study also contains vital information for every family. Parents, pay attention. In America's poverty pockets, thousands of normal, healthy children are becoming mentally retarded. These children have no known defect of the central nervous system. No disease has stunted their development. No injury has crippled their brains. Yet as they grow older, their I.Q.'s progressively drop - until they become mentally retarded. Puerto Rican, Mexican-American, American Indian, Negro and Caucasian children all suffer this same curse. It doesn't matter if these children live in the rural or urban areas. Both suffer the same retardation. But must these children fail in school? Is there an inevitable cycle of poverty and educational failure? Or can failure - and mental retardation - be prevented?

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch-April 1972Vol XXXVII, No.3