Know The Answer?
What woman did David see bathing?

II Samuel 11:2

What the World Needs Now is PEACE...
Plain Truth Magazine
March-April 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.3
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What the World Needs Now is PEACE...
Paul W Kroll  

We yearn for peace, but find ourselves in war. Can we find the way which will take us from today's strife-torn world to a peaceful world tomorrow? United Nations, New York City I was in New York City to interview C. V. Narasimhan, Chef de Cabinet (Executive Assistant) of three Secretaries- General of the United Nations - Dag Hammarskjold, U Thant and Kurt Waldheim. I had also hoped to interview former Secretary-General U Thant. I knew both Messrs. Thant and Narasimhan would have much to say about what we must do to achieve world peace. The Plain Truth magazine is vitally interested in world peace and the camel-in-the-needle's-eye difficulties keeping mankind from achieving such a goal.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch-April 1972Vol XXXVII, No.3